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Can't see Arabic

How to Read Arabic Text in

Arabic pages in this site are presented as text , not images, In order to view Arabic text you need to use the right combination of operating system and internet browser.

Please read the following options and choose the one that suites you.

If you dont see Arabic :

Microsoft Arabic Download is the preferred choice for you if you are looking for a smooth Arabic browsing on different versions of Arabic and non-Arabic MS Windows. Currently our pages are designed to be best viewed using this browser. We recommend that you keep watching Microsoft Internet Explorer homepage to make sure that you have the latest version of this browser.

IMPORTANT: Please read the following note to make sure that you install the Arabic support correctly:

Steps to Add Arabic Text Display Support for Internet Explorer 5

If you are installing IE5 for the first time:

Please Choose Custom Setup, then follow steps from 7 to 9 below.

If you have IE5 already installed, please follow these steps:

1. From the Start menu chose Settings.
2. Select Control Panel
3. Select Add/Remove Programs
4. Select Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and Internet Tools
5. Click Add/Remove Programs.
6. Check the "Add Component" radio button, then press OK.
7. Scroll until you find the "multi language support" option.
8. Check "Arabic text display support" , then press next
9. Press finish, then your computer will restart.

To smooth your screen fonts if you are running Explorer 4.0 or Later on Windows 98 or later

1. Make sure that your display card is configured to use 64K colors
2. double click on my computer
3. choose view from the toolbar menu.
4. choose "folder Options..."
5. click on "view" tab.
6. Scroll down on the dialog box that will appear until you see a check box with the label: smooth edges of screen fonts.
7. check this box.
8. Click OK.

If you are using MAC OS

Microsoft Internet Explorer can be used on Arabic Mac systems to view our pages. visit and download the latest Mac version of the browser. Please note that this option was not tested on most of the Mac versions.

If you are using UNIX

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 is on option for this platform. Please visit and download the latest browser available. This option has not been tested.

الاعلانات على مسؤولية اصحابها، ولا يتحمل فرفش بلس أي مسؤولية اتجاهها